Friday, April 30, 2010

Hot Mess

We broke it off via text.  He didn't even have the decency to call me.  What is it with me and douche bags?  Why is every guy I like a complete ass hole?  And for the love of baby Jesus why, after all of this, do I still like him and want him and can't stop thinking about him??  I might need therapy after all.  Or I need a girl's night out.  Since a girl's night out doesn't involve me baring my dark and damaged soul to someone while they charge me ass loads of money I think I will go with a girl's night out.  It's cheaper and funner (yes I know that funner isn't a word) and offers the chance of a making out with someone.  This could be exactly what I need right now!

For the record...when I go out and have a goal of making out with a cute boy I rarely fail.  In fact, Halloween may have been my only failure...but I am blaming that on the venue--there just wasn't enough selection (I refuse to believe I looked THAT hideous in my costume).  I am heading out for a night on the town armed with the bitterness of being screwed by Vegas Boy (and not in a good way) and showing plenty of cleavage--I'm basically a hot mess.  Failure is not an option.  I desperately need to stop thinking about Vegas Boy...I need a distraction...even if only for a night...even if I have to be drunk...even if I need a shot of penicillin in the morning.  Well...maybe not the penicillin.

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