Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Killing Me Softly

I must not being doing this right because it's not getting any easier.  I'm trying to focus on the kids and getting into bikini shape but it isn't helping.  I miss him.  I even miss his ring tone--especially his ring tone!  What once use to be an indicator that he was in Vegas thinking about me is now just a huge chasm of silence.  The sound that could light me up and awaken the butterflies in my stomach is no more.  It's been over a week now and the silence is killing me...killing me softly...if you would consider being bludgeoned to death with a cleaver as "softly".  This blows.

I am now at the stage where I am second guessing myself.  Did I really need to push him to express his "feelings" for me?  What the fuck was I thinking?  Who the hell does that to a guy?  No guy wants to be put in that position.  There were plenty of indicators that he cared about me.  I am now about 60% sure that he wasn't using me for sex.  60% aint bad right?  It could be worse.  If I start judging things based on "it could have been worse" then in retrospect things are starting to look pretty damn good.  Who would drive from Vegas to San Diego for a booty call anyway?  The boy is FINE--he definitely doesn't have to drive 5 hours for sex.  I completely self-sabotaged any possible relationship I could have had with Vegas Boy because I have the emotional maturity of newborn.  I officially suck at life.

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