Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Not Myself Tonight

I met a boy.  And by "met" I mean I made out with him.  And by "boy" I mean that he's only 23.  My friend and I had another girl's night out....a mucho successful girl's night out!  I am batting a thousand at one particular joint downtown and it is quickly becoming my "go to" place when I need a self-esteem boost.  Fact:  this boy had one of the most smoking hot bodies I have ever had the pleasure of being pressed up against.  All I can say is DAMN!  I am not usually one to paw at a guy I barely know but in this situation I found out that my self-control is less than stellar.  And after I caught a glimpse of his abs I was pretty much drooling on myself...clearly a quality that all men seek in a woman.

I am not sure what it is about me that the young ones like.  I can only hope they don't have some sort of radar that senses desperation and therefore gravitate towards me like a fat kid to a cupcake.  I honestly try as hard as possible to hide my desperation and will be eternally crushed to find out that men have a 6th sense about it.  If that's the case I really have no hopes of landing another husband--time is NOT on my side (I am aging about as well as a piece of beef jerky).  I might as well face the facts and go get a couple cats after work today.  So anyway...Smoking Hot Body Boy was super sweet.  He asked for my phone number...sent me a text about 5 minutes later...and has been texting me regularly the past several days.  He really wants to see me again...which I assume means he really wants to have sex with me...since we obviously don't have much to talk about.  I'm definitely not myself tonight because I can't believe I am actually considering this...

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