Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Tik Tok

Since I have an extremely long (and consistent) history of not being able to find myself a decent guy....my mom has volunteered to be my wing man.  I think this is her way of trying to make up for dressing me like Helen Keller when I was a kid.  I am almost certain that nothing could be more embarrassing than having your own mother pimp you out on a cruise ship.  But honestly I will take whatever help I can get at this point, after all, my dignity is already gone--I handed that over to Vegas Boy.  Not protesting at my mother's offer to find me a man is confirmation that I have reached the gates of dating purgatory and they are WIDE open.  I am in hell.

Long story short:  shockingly enough--Mom hooked me up!  Cruise Boy was very good looking, well within my age range, and all things considered (there has GOT to be something wrong with a 30 year old man working on a cruise ship) was a pretty good catch.  We chatted, flirted, laughed, and had a great time.  He kept my mind far from Vegas Boy during the rest of the cruise.  Unfortunately, he also made me realize that as much as I joke about my pathetic dating life I really do want to find someone....although preferably not someone who has graduated from Carnival Cruise Lines University with a BA in hosting Family Feud.  It's been 4+ years since my divorce...shouldn't I have had a serious relationship by now?  Every tic of the clock reminds me that I am alone...completely and utterly alone.  Tik tok.  Tik tok.  I need to do something about this or just shut the fuck up already.

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