Monday, June 7, 2010

Waking Up In Vegas

Oh boy.  What a weekend.  Let's just start by saying the kids and I had a great time.  The Mandalay Bay was awesome, the weather was perfect, and Supercross was bad ass.  The only problem is that I now despise myself--and I'm talking deep dark hatred that has me cloaked in all sorts shame and self loathing.  I am such a loser.  Why on earth did I think I was mentally stable enough to see Vegas Boy?  Why, why, why?!?  This was the WORST possible thing I could have done.  I thought I was over this.  What the fuck is wrong with me?  Okay....the list is too long to go into detail but in regards to Vegas Boy I can easily say that I have never been so physically attracted to a guy before--and that simple fact is what brings me to my knees.  I have absolutely no control over my raging maniacal attraction to him.  It certainly didn't help that he's been hitting the gym really hard the last couple months and looked freaking amazing.  It also didn't help that he got his hair cut really short which looks super hot on him.  He doesn't even try to look good and he does.   DAMN!!

Obviously nothing happened.  My kids were with us the entire time so there was only some mild flirtation...and he sent me a text after dinner on Friday night proclaiming how badly he wanted to rip my clothes off.  UGH!  I really didn't need to know that.  It's already been established that there is a mutual attraction between us and some really good chemistry...the kind of chemistry that breaks furniture and chips paint off the walls (I kid you not).  But that's it.  That's all he has to offer.  I need someone with a little more emotional depth and maturity than a bag of rocks.  But that doesn't stop me from wanting him more than I have ever wanted anyone else in my entire life!  So here I am.  Again.  Back where I started.  Wanting a boy that doesn't want me.  That's what I get for waking up in Vegas.

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