Wednesday, June 2, 2010


Okay.  I have officially made my last trek down into the loser abyss affectionately known as craigslist.  The joy of rejecting 50+ men that probably fail to function at a normal level in society wears off more quickly than one would hope.  That joy actually turns into a feeling somewhere between nausea and depression and can also result in dry heaves after viewing some of the pictures that accompany said responses.  I really had no idea how many people have been viciously attacked by the ugly stick.  And I do mean vicious.  Terrible, unspeakable things have been done to these people.  Okay...the depression is coming back.  I better tell you the good news.

A very select group of individuals made it through to the email round...and of those select few one came out victorious.  OMG!  McDreamy Boy is by far my best craigslist find yet.  Not only is McDreamy Boy fucking beautiful but he's over 6 feet tall, he has a job, he has kids, and he can match my wit.  Quite the feat indeed.  Let me explain something though.  There are 2 types of hot.  There is out-of-my-league-so-fucking-hot-I-could-never-in-a-million-years-get-you kind of hot and there is almost-out-of-my-league-way-fucking-hot-but-I-might-stand-a-chance kind of hot (anything else is just "cute").  He's the kind of hot that I could possibly land in real life...but it would definitely require a good hair day...and a push-up bra...and possibly a nose job.  But it's do-able. I going to meet McDreamy Boy?  You better fucking believe it!

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