Friday, June 11, 2010

Haven't Met You Yet

Today is better.  Today I am back to thinking that Vegas Boy is a jack ass...a sad, disappointing jack ass.  These days are easier days.  Today I can see that I gave him multiple opportunities to step up and show me he felt something for me.  Sure, I put him in the position where he had to do or say something...but we aren't in high school for fuck sake.  This isn't all about games and not letting the girl know you like her because then she will lose interest.  Having sexual chemistry does not imply the presence of feelings--any girl who isn't a total nut case knows this (which is pretty much the only distinction between me and a total nut case).  I am not the type of girl that can or will put herself out on a limb and hope my heart isn't methodically fed through a meat grinder.  I have gone out on that limb before and I have fallen out of the tree and really fucked myself up.  I put myself out there as far as I could with Vegas Boy...and got nothing in return.  I gambled and I lost.  I lived and I learned.  He's missing out on a pretty cool girl though...a girl that some guy will appreciate--kwirks and all.  So to that guy I ask "Where the hell are you already?"  I know you are out there..I just haven't met you yet.

1 comment:

  1. Who are you, Michael Buble'? But seriously, I don't really understand why people won't just say what's on their mind. Open, honest communication is the only way things will work. Not pulling on her pigtails because you like her, or her batting her eyelashes because she likes you. Just put it out there, in plain English words, with no chance of misinterpretation. You seemed to have done that, and since he either wanted to play games or not play at all, you definitely need to move on. Wish I lived in SD.
