Friday, October 23, 2009

Blame It On The Alcohol

Internet dating.  Been there.  Done that.  Obviously.  The life I live is not one that supplies me with endless opportunity to meet eligible internet dating has really been the only way for me to procure dates.  Speaking of internet dating--I don't know why this makes me feel like such a degenerate--but yes, I have even dated off of craigslist.  I am completely embarrassed to admit this tid bit of info...which really makes no sense at all because I've meet guys of a better caliber from CL than from  Go figure.  Here's a rundown of my CL experiences so far (some names have been changed to protect other cases I can't even remember their names so I am just taking a stab in the dark and throwing something out there) :
  • Mike...aka the army horse trainer.  Nice guy.  Decent looking.  Went out 3-4 times.  Word to the wise though--if you EVER try to tell me I am doing something wrong with one of my horses you WILL get dumped.  He met his now-wife soon after we dated (not on CL by the way).  I wish Mike and Tiff nothing but the best!
  • Ray--or was it Russ...or maybe Randy?  Not sure.  90% of the conversation on our first date was about his ex-wife and her incestuous lesbian love affair with her sister that he happened to walk in on at some point in all their naked glory.  Um, no thanks.  I ran for the hills.
  • Andre...aka the metro sexual.  Yikes.  What can I say about a guy that offered to add me to his cell phone plan on the second date?
  • Matt....aaaahhh my dear Matty.  Great great guy.  We emailed for almost a year before we eventually met.  We only went out twice...things fizzled.  We still keep in touch via email and he is excited at the prospect of getting to see the new boobs (if we ever make it out on our 3rd date).
  • Jake.  I met Jake during a very rough time in my life and he was a great friend.  Things between us drop off for a while then we reconnect several months later.  Definitely not a love connection between the 2 of us but he is a great guy that I could stay friends with for sure!
  • Jon...aka muscle man.  This guy was my height but had about 100 pounds more of muscle.  I think he could have picked me up and threw me a good 50 yards.  I just couldn't picture kissing I ended it after 2 dates.  He was a super great guy though and I hope he's found a girl worthy of him.
  • A guy who's name totally escapes me.  Went out with him once to a Fall Out Boy concert.  I really wanted to go to the concert but had no one to go why not post an ad on CL and see what happens, right?  He was a nice enough guy....attempted some inappropriate touching/groping at one point in the evening.  You can't really blame a guy for trying but you can blame it on the alcohol--large, copious amounts of alcohol.  Never returned any of his subsequent phone calls.
With that being said...I have certainly had some fun times and some not so fun times in my past couple years of dating.  I don't think we can measure my success in online dating by the fact that I am now single (happily single, I might add!).  Instead, we will measure it based on the fact that I am still alive--which means I have faired pretty darn well if I may say so myself.  I guess it's time to get back out there!


  1. You´re not a Milf,not yet aniway by now you´re still a dreamgirl as far as i´m concerned :)

  2. No, you are definitely a MILF. Being a mom alone qualifies you for that. But you are definitely not a cougar, though if you keep ogling high schoolers, you might earn cougar status by default.

    Seriously, though, I am enjoying your blog and the pics you are posting of yourself throughout are hysterical. Keep up the good work!

  3. first 2 comments EVER! Thanks guys! I certainly hope I am not a cougar yet...I will try to dial back on the ogling--but I really can't guarantee it!
