Monday, October 19, 2009

I Gotta Feeling

Either I have an over-active imagination or there is a married dude in my office that wants to bone me. And by "bone me" I mean do dirty nasty things to me that his wife would never dream of doing--not the obligatory once a month missionary bone that he's probably lucky to be getting at this point in his marriage.  You know the one.  Where the wife makes the husband feel like a rapist or at very best like she is doing him the biggest fucking favor the world has ever known.  Guys--it has happened to you at least once.  And ladies--we all know we've been there.

So yeah.  He definitely wants to bone me.  I can see it on his face. He use to openly flirt with me (which I took pleasure in--I am deeply embarrassed to admit)...but then I started dating the ex-b/f who works in our office and that flirting came to a screeching halt. Thank you baby Jesus! I am pretty sure he propositioned me for sex on our company retreat to Palm Desert back in June...but since that was right around the time the ex-b/f and I were starting to date I let it fly under the radar and completely ignored him. Not that I would have done anything anyway. First of all--I am not a home wrecker. Or at least I am a reformed home wrecker. Yes I have home wrecked in the past. One home and only one home. It is a horrible feeling to be the "other woman" and I am never going to make that mistake again. Although, come on...are guys really supposed to stay in sex-less marriages and be expected not to stray? If you aren't giving it up to your man I can pretty much guarantee he's going to go looking for it somewhere else. He might not DO anything about it...but he's going to look, he's going to flirt, he's at least going to do some serious contemplating about it. I think that’s where my co-worker is at right now.  Also, I'm not a slut.  Yeah, I joke about being one--but I'm not.  My co-worker has a zero percent shot at getting up my skirt.  The best he can hope for is that a boob falls out of my shirt while I am bending over to get ice out of the ice machine.

So anyway, I am a little nervous as to what's going to happen once the rumor spreads that the ex-b/f and I are no longer together. It is only a matter of time before people realize we aren't having lunch together...that I am not a fixture on his desk while we have our morning chat...that he is not MIA 30 minutes at a time while he comes over to my office for an afternoon visit. The gig is going to be up sooner or later and I think that might be an open invitation for the married dude to rekindle his desire to bone me (he was already checking out the goods while I was in the break room this morning--although I can't fault him for that--the top I am wearing today is booberific). I am pretty sure that everyone in the office would assume that me and the ex-b/f were sexing it up--right? Who dates for 4 or 5 months and doesn't do it? We aren't Amish...this aint biblical times people. The way I see it is like this:  now that I've given it up to one guy in the office I have a bulls-eye on my skirt and all the other guys are going to try to hit it. Oy. We got some homely dudes in this office...I gotta feeling things are about to get rough!

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