Tuesday, October 27, 2009

All The Small Things

Random updates:

Creepy married dude with the hard-on for me:  He is currently in Florida with his "once-a-month-bone" and their 2 kids.  I have been free from him visually accosting me on a daily basis in the break room.  Is it sad that I miss him looking at my boobs...or just pathetic?

Motocross Boy:  I still get random texts from him once in a while but I ignore them.  According to his Facebook page he recently set himself on fire while out in the desert with friends.  Seems like I dodged a bullet there.  I would not look good with my eyebrows burned off.

Prospective dates:  None.  Unless we count the middle-aged man with braces that hit on me at Walmart.  Please don't make me count him.  I am holding out hope that Saturday night will prove fruitful--I am heading out to party on Halloween with some single girls.  I have volunteered to be the designated driver which might be counterproductive since my social retardation isn't nearly as noticeable once I am properly liquored up.  My rationale behind this is that the more sober I stay the more chance there is that my clothes will stay on (please refer to Clothes Off! if necessary).  I am basically attempting to avoid standing in line outside the local STD clinic at any point in the future.

The ex-b/f:  He is still very much smitten with me.  I make a conscious effort to make a couple mean comments to him each day but I think that has back-fired.  He has taken a liking to my feisty side.  My next step will be to look like crap every day at work...but that won't really help score any prospective dates.  I might need a back-up plan.

The ex-husband:  I haven't made mention of him yet...but he's still a douche bag in case anyone is curious.

My goal this week is focus on all the small things.  Smile at cute guys, make myself more approachable, etc.  If all else fails I will lower my standards and make out with at least 1 guy on Halloween.


  1. Note to self:find party single milf is going to....so I can be lucky make out guy

  2. Second note to self: Do not travel to desert with motocross people.
